Saturday, May 11, 2013

About Me

Welcome to my blog! For starters, my name is Brittnee Webber. I am a small town girl from Oregon, the most beautiful state in the country - in my opinion! I am engaged to my absolute best friend, Maxwell Gilbert, which I am sure will be tagging along for most of my hikes, so his name will become rather familiar to my followers! I am a student at Oregon State University, majoring in Business and hopefully moving on to specializing in Accounting in the next year or so. While my career path might suggest otherwise, I do have an extremely creative mentality in my life - I promise!

I have loved photography for as long as I can remember. Not particularly the staged, awkward portraits... but more so the unexpected, revealing of nature's true beauty shots. I use a Canon Rebel XTi camera for these photos - for any of the camera nerds like myself out there who might be interested. My very first camera I got for Christmas when I was little. Every time I snapped a photo, out popped a piece of candy! Of course, candy would be the only inspiration necessary to spark my interest in this hobby. From there I got your average, everyday camera that takes standard-quality photos. This camera probably lasted me two years tops. Maybe it was because I had secretly been wanting a nicer one, which resulted in me gaining a carefree attitude when handling it. It could also have been because I took this camera with me everywhere, and snapped photos of everything - to the point where my dad finally gave into my obsession and helped me pursue this hobby on a whole new level. That is where my Rebel came in. I have used this camera for about seven years, and it is still my most prized possession! 

I started getting into hiking just a few years ago, probably at the start of my high school years. My aunt, Sarah, took me on the Eagle Creek hiking trail; which is, if I remember correctly, between 13-15 miles to the end and back. It was an insane hike to be a starter for me, but it was the most beautiful hike I have ever been on. Tons of unique waterfalls to see along the way, and then an amazing grand finale waterfall at the end. Hikes like those are my favorite - the ones that keep you interested all the way through to the end. Since then, every vacation my family has taken includes me dragging everyone along on some sort of local-area hike. Tam McArthur Rim and Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain are a few other recent ones I've done. Don't worry, I plan to do these hikes over again at some point in the near future, so you'll get to hear my stories on all of these as well! 

In this blog, I plan to share my experience of hiking the trails of Oregon (and possibly other places in the future - we'll see!) with pictures, written descriptions of the trail, advice for other hikers, and probably a few complaints about how my feet hurt afterwards. I hope you will continue reading about my hiking travels in the future, and will comment with your feedback as well! Also feel free to "like" my Facebook page, Lisabeth's Travels, to stay up-to-date on any new posts I make, at

Now - let the hiking begin!  

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